marți, 23 august 2016

Transport la Otopeni

Astazi ne putem bucura de faptul ca sunt accesibile numeroase zboruri catre strainatate, astfel incat este mult mai usor sa ne putem planui o vacanta de vis. Mai mult, cele mai mari orase ale tarii sunt strans legate intre ele, iar decat o calatorie lunga cu trenul, un zbor este mult mai rapid, in timp ce preturile sunt asemanatoare. In schimb, cei care isi doresc sa ajunga in strainatate, cele mai variate destinatii cu zbor direct din tara, pleaca din Bucuresti, motiv pentru care cei din afara orasului trebuie sa isi gaseasca un mijloc de transport.
Nu exista foarte multe posibilitati, unele fiind mai costisitoare decat altele, in timp ce pasagerii nu se bucura intotdeauna de confortul dorit. Pentru transfer la Otopeni exista autobuze, insa este dificil sa calatoresti cu bagaje, iar taxiul este foarte costisitor si adesea nu isi justifica banii. Multe persoane abia asteapta sa se infiinteze linia de metrou care face legatura dintre centrul capitalei si aeroport. De aceasta situatie au profitat companiile de inchirieri auto, intrucat ofera clientilor posibilitatea de a fi transportati in cele mai bune conditii catre orice destinatie si din orice punct.
Chiar daca aceasta optiune este cea mai scumpa dintre toate, este si cea mai sigura si mai confortabila. In plus, totul este mult mai flexibil, astfel ca orice client isi poate alcatui propriul drum catre Otopeni, fie poate lasa totul in voia soferului care se va adapta in functie de conditiile de trafic. Asadar, serviciul de transfer la Otopeni este ideal pentru toti cei care trebuie sa ajunga la aeroport, avand la dispozitie diferite tipuri de masini, la preturi foarte atractive. Rentcarwithdriver recomanda pentru orice calatorie Mercedes E Klasse, intrucat acest autoturism german este renumit pentru confort, tehnologie, lux si spatiu suficient, atat pentru pasageri, cat si pentru bagaje.

sâmbătă, 20 august 2016

What is tao massage?

Tao massage (in some places named Taoist massage) is an art and also a style of massage that can be considered erotic. As touching involves a lot of things that are not allowed in the usual relaxing massage, in most western countries this kind of massage is described completely as erotic.

Now, in order to give you more info about this I will let you know what I have found regarding this subject on the website of a saloon from Bucharest:

What kind of experience you should expect.

As one of the first erotic massage salon in Bucharest, with over 10 years of experience in this area of expertise, the Tao Saloon is one of the best. Throughout their activity, the clients have always been pleased and satisfied with their experience in this salon.

Why you should try it?

The entire personnel is properly trained; coming here you can be sure that your entire body will benefit from the professional massage our girls are happy to offer. Each of our masseuses knows a number of techniques and maneuvers for the different types of massage they perform. Moreover, they are just as skillful in the erotic art of body massage, the sensual experience they offer being complex and fulfilling.


At the tao-erotic-massage they are using various massage techniques, starting with the classical relaxation massage, and going to special tao and also to the tantric maneuvers which imply activating the meridians of your body. These have several global effects on your physical, emotional and erotic well-being. Stress releaf, relaxation of your muscles, enhancement of your sexual performance. Also  you will feel happy and content, regenerated, more self-confident. Also, the various systems of your body will start to work more harmoniously due to all of the hormones produced in this experience of relaxation and pleasure.

vineri, 12 august 2016

Tour Wizard software review

First of all I should tell everyone that this is not the actual full review of this piece of software, as I am not allowed to disclose all the relevant information due to the fact that the study was in fact ordered by one of our clients (that are enjoying our consultancy services) and therefore we are not allowed to publish the whole materials and also the conclusion in the next couple of months.

We are also aware about the fact that in a couple of months our study will not be that relevant anymore, as the market is constantly changing, as the software solutions in the market are evolving or transforming, but anyway, we are still going to make this short - in fact very short - presentation.

The reason thtat made us choose Tour Wizard consists in the fact that this is the software solution that received ou"Gold award" and we decided that it is the best virtual tour software solution on the market, after analysing more than 5 different solutions from different vendors with different licensing types.

While all the software solutions in this industry tend to offer more or less the same facilities, the Tour Wizard solution is one of the most versatile in terms of customization and options that are available to the actual user. Also, the fact that this software solution comes with support from the company that has created it is really great, as not all the users are really that technical and they do not have the understanding of fixing all the wrong things that can happen in the "workplace".

Also, the fact that this software can be used online, and the fact that it really packs some of the most fine online marketing tools made us evaluate it as the best solution out there.

miercuri, 10 august 2016

Preturi mici la biletele de avion

Acum este mult mai usor sa calatoresti atat in tara, cat si in strainatate, astfel ca tot mai multe persoane opteaza pentru bilete avion puse la dispozitie de Aerotravel. Sute de destinatii sunt mult mai accesibile, in special din punct de vedere financiar, dar si prin faptul ca frecvent se introduc curse noi. Operatorii prezenti pe piata aeriana din Romania propun calatorilor si oferte foarte atractive, astfel ca multi aleg sa profite de ele, fiind o modalitate de transport mult mai comoda.
Nu numai destintiile din strainatate sunt populare, ci si cele din tara, intrucat acum nu mai trebuie sa pierzi 8 ore pe drum pentru a ajunge de la Iasi la Bucuresti cu trenul, cand poti sa faci doar 50 de minute, iar pretul acestor bilete avion sunt similare cu cele de tren, de circa 100 de lei. In plus, te poti bucura si de faptul ca ai parte de zboruri directe, fara escala, astfel ca nici nu mai irosesti timp pretios prin aeroporturi si nici nu mai exista riscul ca bagajul tau sa fie ratacit.
O multime de destinatii
Cu siguranta, cu totii ne dorim sa avem parte de vacante de neuitat, iar acest lucru este acum mult mai usor de realizat, intrucat cele mai importante destinatii ale lumii sunt strans legate de tara noastra. Spune adio autocarelor, trenurilor si drumurilor fara sfarsit, cand in doar 2, 3 ore ajungi la destinatie, oriunde in Europa, Italia, Spania, Turcia, Grecia, Marea Britanie, Germania, Portugalia etc.
Mai aproape de familie
In plus, cei care muncesc in strainatate, pot oricand sa achizitioneze bilete avion oferite de Aerotravel, la cele mai bune preturi si astfel sunt mult mai aproape de familie. Daca ai un weekend liber, te poti intoarce acasa, in Romania, la sfarsit de saptamana, urmand ca de luni sa fii din nou la serviciu, fara batai de cap si timp pierdut.